Nat TaylorBlog, Product Management & Tinkering

Web Browser Tips

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Recently I’ve begun using a few extensions that make my web browser more enjoyable.

uBlock Origin

I have two Google Chrome profiles: one with this extension and one without.  Advertising is essential to the web and my career, but it is also full of landmines.  By using uBlock some of the time, I get to compare the ads/no-ads experiences.  See

Dark Reader

Dark Reader ” inverts brightness of web pages and aims to reduce eyestrain while browsing the web” and does a very good job of it.  Combined with Night Shift or f.lux, it makes nighttime computer use much more pleasant.  See

Newsfeed Eradicator

I find Facebook unavoidable for groups, events and marketplace, but I block the newsfeed to avoid distractions.  See

Other Extensions

I use a few other extensions too, though less frequently.

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