Working with a Trumba Calendar
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Recently I got fed up with my YMCA’s calendar due to all the stuff they overlay on it. They use Trumba (Trumba offers web-hosted event calendar software for publishing online, interactive, calendars of events) who it turns out have a pretty nice API.
The trick is getting the calendar’s “webName” which I get from searching sources in DevTools, then the URL is as simple as
(and they also support other formats.)
I only wanted events for one location and certain event titles, so I added a bit for that.

"""Get calendar info for the Northshore YMCA
import requests
import datetime
import dataclasses
class Event:
title: str = None
start: datetime.datetime = None
end: datetime.datetime = None
permaLinkUrl: str = None
signUpUrl: str = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.title = kwargs.get('title')
self.start = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(kwargs.get('startDateTime'))
self.end = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(kwargs.get('endDateTime'))
self.permaLinkUrl = kwargs.get('permaLinkUrl')
if 'signUpUrl' in kwargs:
self.signUpUrl = kwargs.get('signUpUrl')
def time(self, bound):
if bound=='day':
return self.start.strftime('%a')
return getattr(self, bound).strftime('%I:%M%p').lstrip('0')
today ='%Y%m%d')
# _1568936_ is for the Marblehead YMCA
r = requests.get(f"{today}&days=7&previousweeks=0&filter3=_1568936_").json()
events_of_interest = [
'Open Swim - Small Pool',
'Toddler Open Gymnastics',
'Bounce House',
'Kids Club',
'Open Swim in Small Pool',
'Toddler and Me Yoga',
for i, e in enumerate(r):
ev = Event(**e)
if any([t in ev.title for t in events_of_interest]) and 'Adult Open Swim' not in ev.title:
if ev.signUpUrl:
title = f"<a href={ev.signUpUrl}>{ev.title}</a>"
title = ev.title
print("<li>{day} {start}-{end} {title}</li>".format(title = title, start=ev.time('start'), end=ev.time('end'), day=ev.time('day')))