Nat TaylorBlog, AI, Product Management & Tinkering

Test Drive: StabilityAI search and replace

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Today I’m test driving Stability AI’s search and replace API for inpainting for a little Halloween fun that I’ll unveil at a Meetup next week. I have dealt with generating semantic masks locally and it is a chore, so its kind of amazing that they can do it for you so simply with the search_prompt argument. So the process is:

  1. Get an API key
  2. Write your generation prompt and sample prompt.
  3. Implement
  4. Invoke

The output is great — filling in the lawn with what you describe in the prompt! The code I used is below

import requests
from PIL import Image
import io
from textwrap import dedent

response =
        "authorization": f"Bearer {key}",
        "accept": "image/*"
        "image": open("./whitehouse.jpg", "rb")
        "prompt": dedent("""\
        House with a lawn decorated with fairies"""),
        "search_prompt": "lawn",
        "output_format": "webp",

display( language: Python (python)

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